SVO Construction

When constructing an SVO from a voxel list, the complexity of this process depends on the data fed to the constructing algorithm. Within the scope of this project, the uncompressed format is a list of voxels, but there are further subtle differences.

Summary of Construction

The following process must be repeated for all voxels in the list.

  1. Test signed input position against current SVO dimensions .
  2. If the position is outside of our boundaries, enlarge the SVO to fit .
  3. Subtract of the SVO from to obtain .
  4. Convert to the octree node index .
  5. Use to traverse the SVO and insert the voxel at the correct location.
  6. Optional: If only one octant is used, cut branches belonging to other octants recursively.


To handle signed values, the octree must be extended into both positive and negative octants.

Coordinate System

There are two coordinate systems with which we must concern ourselves with:

  • world coordinate system (signed)
  • SVO coordinate system (unsigned)

The conversion between these two coordinate systems occurs in step 3.

The problem which we face is that our SVO is meant to split the world coordinate system into eight equal octants, recursively. The first split occurs at the origin however, the origin must be located in one of these octants.

To solve this, we put the origin into the first octant; then all positions with no negative coordinates will lie in just one octant. This allows us to perform the optimisation from step 6 for only unsigned coordinates. It also helps us optimize our boundary test.

As a result, for example, an SVO that can contain 4x4x4 voxels will have space from to .

Special Case Where Voxel Coordinates Are Positive

If the voxels are sorted with the first voxel being the most negative corner of the model, we have a global (see step 3.). All voxels can then be translated by , yielding only positions that belong in the first octant. If are already guaranteed to be positive, this condition is obviously also met. In such cases. step 1. and 2. are simplified and step 6. is eliminated.

Efficient Boundary Test

To check whether a point lies within our SVO, would suffice. However, this test is overly pessimistic because we have more negative space instead of positive space. Also, assuming no compiler optimisations, we have to perform six conditional operations:

  • each call to abs() requires one conditional operation
  • a three-argument max() would require two more
  • one more conditional operation is necessary for the comparison

Assuming unsorted inputs, these six conditional jumps may wreak havoc on the performance of the branch predictor.

To remove the pessimism from our test, we define a new function to be used in stead of :


uint32_t abs_svo(int32_t n)
    return n < 0 ? (-n -1) : n;

bool comp_against_svo_bounds(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z, uint32_t d)
    return (abs_svo(x) | abs_svo(y) | abs_svo(z)) >= d;

Such an implementation eliminates five out of six conditional operations on modern compilers, leaving only the final >= comparison. See this Compiler Explorer page for an example.

Compiler Optimization of abs_svo

Using actually works in ours and the compiler's favor. This is due to the fact that negating a number in two's complement requires a bitwise negation and an increment. Due to our decrement of the negated number, we eliminate this need.

  mov eax, edi  # copy function parameter into result register
  sar eax, 31   # fill the register with 1s if the number is negative, else with 0s
  xor eax, edi  # xor result register with parameter, performing a conditional bitwise NOT
  retn          # return from the function

Manual Optimization of Comparison with d

This only works because is an SVO dimension and thus always guaranteed to be a power of two. The most significant bit of lower numbers is lower than the single bit of a greater power of two. To name an example, 128 will have the 128-bit set, whereas all lower numbers will consist only of less significant bits. Hence, they can be safely combined with an | operation before making the comparison.


The overly pessimistic initial comparison could be fixed with -surprisingly- no performance impact. Out of the six necessary conditional operations, we could optimize five away. During a microbenchmark of the original comparison vs. our optimized method, no performance difference could be found. However, keep in mind that abs() functions are often compiled to use a conditional move instruction which can be expensive on older architectures. So depending on the architecture, such a benefit could be seen.

Octree Growth

If we do find that a point which is to be inserted does not fit within the current octree, we must enlarge it.

Single-Octant Growth

Simple Growth
Figure 1: Simple (Single-Octant) Octree Growth

If only one octant is used, e.g. all positions are unsigned, then we can enlarge the octree into just one direction. The current root node goes into the lowest corner (with index 0) of the new, higher-level root node.

Unilateral Octree Growth

Unilateral Growth
Figure 2: Unilateral Octree Growth

If we use signed positions, we must grow our octree unilaterally. This means that each node receives a new parent. The four new parents are then moved into the root node at the location of their children. Here is an implementation in pseudo-C++:

for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
    if (root.has(i)) {
        auto parent = make_new_branch();
        parent[~i & 0b111] = root.extract(i);
        root[i] = parent;

Within each new parent, the current nodes end up positioned in the opposite corner of where they were before. In one index from 0 to 7, each bit represents a three-dimensional coordinate. So index 4 = 0b010 represents . By flipping all bits of the index we can quickly calculate the position inside the new parent.

Note that for squashed octrees, this beautifully simple case no longer applies. We still create exactly eight new parents, but each parent will receive up to 4 of the 16 first-level branches. This and other problems make unilateral growth for squashed octrees a lengthy and complicated process.

Position Normalization

Once the octree has grown to a size at which it can contain our new position , we must normalize our position. In this case normalization means that we simply subtract from to obtain . This is necessary because internally, octrees don't have any concept of "negative" or "positive" positions, just indices within nodes which are all unsigned.

The minimum coordinate for all dimensions is , where is the unilateral depth of the octree. Once we subtract this minimum from our position, the position will be unsigned and ready for calculation of the octree node index.

Octree Node Index

After obtaining an unsigned position within the octree, we must find out where to store this position in the data structure.

Find the correct insertion point equires recursively testing whether each coordinate is in the lower or the upper half of current subtree. As long as the tree's dimensions are a power of 2, this can be reduced to checking whether a bit is set. For example, 128 is in the upper half of the 256-tree, because the most 128-bit is set, which is not the case for 127.

We do not want to make this test at every level; It would be more convenient to pre-calculate a complete path through the octree that leads straight to the insertion point.

Approach in One Dimension

Octree Node Index
Figure: Binary Numbers Form a Binary Tree Implicitly

As seen in the above Figure, the lower bit indicates whether the position is left or right in the lower subtree and the higher bit indicates whether the position is left or right in the upper subtree. To navigate the above binary tree, we can use the following pseudo-code:

void insert(size_t index, rgb32_t color)
    auto &branch = root[(index >> 1) & 1]; // use upper bit to get branch
    auto &leaf = branch[(index >> 0) & 1]; // use lower bit to get leaf
    leaf.color = color;

Approach in Three Dimensions

The same pattern occurs for octal digits and octrees. can thus be seen as three positions in separate binary trees which we want to combine into an octree. To convert to a position in an octree, the bits of can simply be interleaved. The result will be a single number of octal digits, each of which represents the position within one octree node.

Just like we can use the bits of a binary number to navigate the above binary tree, we can use the digits of the octal number to navigate the octree at every level.

void insert(size_t index, rgb32_t color)
    auto &branch = root[(index >> 3) & 0b111]; // use upper digit to get branch
    // ... repeat this process for however many levels of branches there are
    auto &leaf = branch[(index >> 0) & 0b111]; // use lower digit to get leaf
    leaf.color = color;


This is how coordinates can be mapped to octree indices:

Note that in the above example, is used as the most significant bit of each octal digit, followed by and . This is how octree node indices can be mapped to coordinates:


The following C++17 implementation shows how three coordinates can be efficiently interleaved using binary Magic Numbers. The implementation expands upon one of the Bit Twiddling Hacks by Sean Eron Anderson.

// interleaves a given number with two zero-bits after each input bit
// the first insertion occurs between the least significant bit and the next higher bit
uint64_t ileave_two0(uint32_t input)
    constexpr size_t numInputs = 3;
    constexpr uint64_t masks[] = {

    uint64_t n = input;
    for (int i = 4; i != 1; --i) {
        const auto shift = (numInputs - 1) * (1 << i);
        n |= n << shift;
        n &= masks[i];

    return n;

uint64_t ileave3(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z)
    return (ileave_two0(x) << 2) | (ileave_two0(y) << 1) | ileave_two0(z);


An implementation for a variable amount of inputs is equally possible, but would significantly increase the code complexity. Most notably, the masks lookup table would need to be generated computationally.

C++ was chosen due to its constexpr compile-time context.

Traversing the Octree

Once the octree node index is computed, traversing the octree becomes simple:

  1. For a given index , we start at the most significant octal digit and the root node.
  2. We follow the branch number or construct it if it does not exist yet.
  3. Insert the voxel's color once a leaf node is found.
  4. Repeat until the least significant octal digit is processed.


Once a nonexistent branch is found in step 2, all deeper branches will also be missing. In such a case, we can enter a different code path that handles this case.

Node Implementation

An SVO will need to store our voxel colors at some level. We can reduce memory consumption and cache misses by using a small voxel array at the second-to-final depth:

// a regular node
struct svo_node {
    svo_node *children[8];

// a node that stores colors instead
struct svo_array_node {
    uint32_t colors[8];

// a node that stores just one color, something that we want to avoid
struct svo_leaf_node {
    uint32_t color;

This code will need to be adjusted so that the nodes are either polymorphic or type unions are used.